TEDx Talk
A Dream Come True: Speaking on a TEDx Stage! Dear friends, I’m so happy to share with you that a long time dream to speak on a TEDx stage finally came true October 14, 2023! I am deeply and passionately committed to saving elephants from extinction. I could not bear a world without them. My desire...
Confronting and Exposing the Ivory Trade: Ivory Belongs On Elephants
A huge threat to elephants is the ivory trade. When poachers kill an elephant for ivory, they go after the largest elephants - the bulls and the matriarchs. Because elephants live in close knit affectionate family units led by a matriarch, when she is killed, it puts her whole family in tragic...
An Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand
In January 2007, I had the great fun of ushering in the New Year in Thailand where I had traveled to meet and work with Lek Chailert at her elephant sanctuary, The Elephant Nature Park. I was part of a group, The Power of One, organized by Juelle and Donovan Wilkins, whose vision was to teach...
Elephant Conservation in Africa
When I see an elephant family, free and happy in the wild, the little babies playfully cavorting in the mud with the female adults so tenderly and protectively looking after them, and see a majestic bull elephant in the power of his musth with so much triumphant dignity, every part of my being...
Saving Elephants in Kenya
Our Many Projects in Kenya Pachyderm Power!'s pivotal work in Kenya, to save the African elephant, confronts all the issues threatening elephants' survival, namely poaching, hunting, human/elephant conflict, drought, loss of habitat, poverty and famine. Our sustainability projects have included an...
South African Elephant Culling
In 2005, I worked in South Africa researching a claim by the government of elephant overpopulation. The local conservationists I worked with, led by Dr. Audrey Delsink, had developed a successful contraception for the elephants on their reserve. When they offered it to the South African officials,...
Elephant Sanctuaries in Kenya
In November of 2007, I flew to the UK (on my way to Kenya) and had the great privilege and joy of meeting Will Travers, co-founder and president of Born Free. He was so generous with his time and gave me tips about where to go in Kenya, especially Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary. I had heard about...
The Circus Campaign
WE WON!!! Ringling Bros. Circus Closed in May, 2017!!! Although Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus closed, we still leave up the information below about our efforts to bring that about. Other circuses continue which also abuse their animals and, especially, torture their elephants. All...
The International Children’s Campaign To Save Elephants
Education about the wonder and beauty of elephants is key to their survival. To this end, I developed a show called "The Wonders of Elephants". I perform it in schools, churches and libraries in both the US and Africa. It’s a tool to create a cultural bridge between children of other countries,...
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